St Joseph’s Primary School is located at 3 – 5 Frances Street Tweed Heads, New South Wales and has a long and proud tradition of providing students with a safe and caring educational environment. The school is a welcoming and nurturing community guided by Catholic tradition and Gospel values.
The school community is committed to individual excellence and fostering each student’s spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social growth. At St Joseph’s Primary, an innovative learning environment is provided where all students are encouraged to develop as independent, critical, reflective learners as members of local and global communities.
The school welcomes and encourages authentic family involvement and knows the importance of family involvement to academic success and the emotional well-being of children. The school supports children to experience success, a sense of purpose, hope and confidence.
Families are invited to share in their child’s learning journey with the school and together discover their strengths, passions and love of learning.
For further information please refer to the website

St James Primary is located at Doyle Drive Banora Point, New South Wales and has a proud tradition of excellence. Excellence in Catholic Education, faith, academia, the arts and sporting avenues.
Students at St James are known and loved and the school focuses on every child – every day.
The school nurtures students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and is an integral part of the St Joseph’s Catholic Parish community in Tweed Heads, and as such is a prominent partner in the evangelising mission of the Church.
St James Primary School strives to be a Christian family centred around Jesus Christ and his teachings. The Catholic Identity and tradition of the school, therefore, is characterised by Christian attitudes, values, and practices in a welcoming and caring educational environment. Each student’s personal growth and the pursuit of learning within the Catholic context is nurtured, promoted, and celebrated in partnership with parents, pastors, parish, and the wider community so that all can have life in all its fullness.
For further information please refer to the website

St Joseph’s College is located at 2 Doyle Drive Banora Point, New South Wales and works closely with its parents and the community to fulfill the important role of educating the youth of the Tweed Heads region.
The school’s motto is ‘Peace through Justice’ which is modified from Pope Pius XII’s motto ‘Opus Justitiae Pax’ – The work of justice is peace.
This original motto was taken up in 1939 at the outbreak of World War II. The motto transcends the circumstances of those times to inspire each of us through significant effort in our personal lives, to establish community at local and international levels. The dove of peace reinforces this message.
For further information please refer to the website

Parish Schools Office
The Parish Schools Office (PSO) is the administrative body responsible for the centralised fee billing for the catholic schools within the Tweed Heads Parish and is located in the St Joseph’s Parish Administration Centre at 11-13 Frances Street, Tweed Heads New South Wales.
To obtain more information about the services provided by the PSO, or for any enquiry pertaining to school fees, please contact John Klein – Parish Operations Manager on (07) 5536 8701 or email